Fish and Chip Supper

On Wednesday 22nd November 2023 at 7.30p.m. .the Club will be having a fish and chip supper. For those wishing to order please enter your name on the list in the Clubhouse. The cost being £6.50 per person.

Macmillan Coffee Morning

The coffee morning raised a total of £439. Well done to all who contributed. In addition a sum of £310 was raised for the Air Ambulance on the recent Club Tour. Well done to all who worked hard in raising these sums for worthy causes.

Halloween Quiz

The Quiz will take place on 28th October 2023 in the Clubhouse. The cost is £5 per person and will include a hot dog supper. Those wishing to attend should add their name to the list on the Club Noticeboard.

Club Indoor Bowling

Indoor Bowling Leagues commence on 9th October. Anyone wishing to act as a reserve should enter their name on the list in Rink 2. Those wishing to enter the indoor bowling competitions should add their name to the list also in Rink 2.

Notice of A.G.M.

The Club A.G.M. will be held next month. If any member has a proposal they would like to make please forward to the Secretary by the end of October. The nomination sheet is on the Club noticeboard and there are some vacancies so please consider nominating.

Club Tour 2023

The Club recently returned from a very successful tour of Bournemouth. Altogether forty-three members took part in four matches over the week. The first game took place at Kings Park Bowls, Bournemouth over six rinks and Littleton managed a close victory by three shots. Tuesday saw the Club put out eight rinks against New Milton …

Macmillan Morning

There was a brilliant turnout on Saturday morning for the Annual Macmillan Coffee Morning. A total sum of £400 was raised for the charity through sale of coffee, cakes and crafts along with a raffle. A big thank you to all who helped on the day and to those who supported it.

Fixtures for W/E 7/9/23

Fri 1st Sept Mens Concorde League AWAY vs St Dunstans 5.30pm; Sat 2nd Sept Mens Concorde League AWAY vs Pershore 2.30p.m; Sat 2nd Sept Ladies Concorde League HOME vs Pershore 2.30pm; Sun 3rd Sept Ladies Concorde League AWAY vs Worcester Ladies 2.30p.m; Tue 5th Sept Friendly HOME vs Welford 2.30p.m; Weds 6th Sept Club Members …

Macmillan Coffee Morning

The Club will be holding its Annual Coffee Morning in aid of Macmillan Cancer Support on Saturday 9th September 2023. It will start at 10.00a.m. in the Clubhouse and will include coffee, cakes and crafts. Your support will be greatly appreciated.