Sat 18th May Friendly match vs Suffolk Square postponed Sat 18th May Club friendly afternoon – open to all members 2.00pm start Sun 19th May Friendly vs Northwick HOME 2.30pm (W) Mon 20th May Vale Triples League BLUE team HOME vs Evesham 6.30pm Mon 20th May Vale Triples League GOLD team AWAY vs Broadway 6.30pm. …
Read More “Fixtures for W/E 25/5/24”
In a first round match Littleton Men overcame Broadway 4-1 at Broadway on Thursday 16th May.
Canaries 10 vs Gulls 24 Falcons 14 vs Buzzards 12 Harriers 26 vs Eagles 7 Doves 29 vs Avocets 14
Fri 3rd May HOME vs Portishead Touring 2.00pm (G) Sat 4th May Ladies Concorde League AWAY vs Hewell 2.00pm (W) Sat 4th May Mens Concorde League HOME vs Hewell 2.00pm (W) Mon 6th May Ladies County Rinks HOME 2.00pm Weds 8th May Members Morning Triples 10.15am Weds 8th May Vale Triples Blue Team vs Aston …
Read More “Fixtures Beginning of May”
Tues 23rd April Friendly vs Inkberrow AWAY 2.30pm 5MXT Sat 27th April Friendly vs Entaco AWAY 2.00pm 5MXT Sun 28th April Concorde League Ladies vs Worcester Ladies AWAY 2.30pm 3T
After a successful opening of the green the previous sunday, Captains Day saw forty members take part in a fun rinks competition. The eventual winners were Paul Dunkley, Dave Homans, Vernon Johns and Pat Elliott. There then followed a superb afternoon tea before the presentation took place of the 2023/24 indoor competitions.
There were two very close finishes in the last of the indoor competitions on Thursday 11th April. In the Singles competition Dave Scott won a competitive match against John Martin 21-19. It was a game over 23 ends and the scores were level four times during the teens. In the triples final Steve, Bourne, Andrew …
Thursday 11th April will see the conclusion of the indoor competitions for season 23/24. Both the triples and singles finals will commence at 6.30p.m. Come along and give your support.
The outdoor green is due to open on Sunday afternoon 2.00p.m. 14th April. Dress code is greys.
Would members please note that subscriptions are due on 1st April 2024. A small discount is available if payment is received before the end of March.