There was a brilliant turnout on Saturday morning for the Annual Macmillan Coffee Morning. A total sum of £400 was raised for the charity through sale of coffee, cakes and crafts along with a raffle. A big thank you to all who helped on the day and to those who supported it.
The Club will be holding its Annual Coffee Morning in aid of Macmillan Cancer Support on Saturday 9th September 2023. It will start at 10.00a.m. in the Clubhouse and will include coffee, cakes and crafts. Your support will be greatly appreciated.
There were 40 playing members attended the annual memorial day where at the start Chairman Paul Dunkley read out the names of those members past and present who had passed away over the year. A minutes silence was then held. Ten Rink teams were formed and after each game of six ends all teams were …
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Several of the Club Finals were played over the weekend. In the Club Pairs Bob Davis and Dougie Payne recorded a close victory on the final end to defeat Sue Leonard and Graham Norledge 22-19. The Maidens Final saw Dave Scott defeat Sue Leonard. In the Ladies Singles things looked to be going straight forward …
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On Saturday twelve teams took part in the Annual Federation Day with the winners being Brian Proctor and Norman Appleby. Runners up were Vikki Vernon and Barrie Marcroft.
This years Federation Day will take place on Saturday 15th July at 2.00p.m. All members wanting to play should enter their name down on the list on the Club Noticeboard. This is a fun afternoon of bowls for everyone.
Sixteen teams competed at the Littleton Bowling Club Gala on Sunday 2nd July. With two groups of eight teams, each played four matches throughout the day. The winner of group 1 and eventual overall winner of the competition was Pershore B.C. led by Ron Eagles. Winner of group 2 and runners up were Keith Hambletons …
Read More “Gala 2023 Results”
Saturday sees the Annual Federation Day played for the Joe Newnham Trophy. Players are requested to register in the club house on arrival and no later than 1.45pm. The afternoon bowling will commence at 2.00pm. Afterwards there will be a barbeque with burgers and sausages on sale.