Outdoor Morning Triples 2024

The list for Wednesday Morning Outdoor Triples has now gone up in the Clubhouse. If you wish to play this year in the competition please enter your name on the list. The teams will be selected around the middle of April.

Indoor Finals

The first two of this seasons indoor finals will take place over the next week. On Thursday evening 15th February at 6.30pm it will be the Members Pairs Final and Monday 19th February will see the Open Triples K.O. Final at 6.30pm.

Burns Night

The Club will be holding their Annual Burns Night Supper on Saturday 27th January 2024 at 7.30p.m. If you wish to attend please add your name to the list in the Clubhouse.

Bingo Evening

On Saturday 16th December at 7.30p.m. there will be the Annual Christmas Bingo Evening in the Clubhouse. Supper will be provided along with the opportunity to win some lovely prizes. Please add your name to the list in the Clubhouse if you wish to attend.

Club A.G.M.

The Club Annual General Meeting will be held in the Clubhouse on Wednesday 15th November 7.15p.m.

Fish and Chip Supper

On Wednesday 22nd November 2023 at 7.30p.m. .the Club will be having a fish and chip supper. For those wishing to order please enter your name on the list in the Clubhouse. The cost being £6.50 per person.

Macmillan Coffee Morning

The coffee morning raised a total of £439. Well done to all who contributed. In addition a sum of £310 was raised for the Air Ambulance on the recent Club Tour. Well done to all who worked hard in raising these sums for worthy causes.

Halloween Quiz

The Quiz will take place on 28th October 2023 in the Clubhouse. The cost is £5 per person and will include a hot dog supper. Those wishing to attend should add their name to the list on the Club Noticeboard.

Notice of A.G.M.

The Club A.G.M. will be held next month. If any member has a proposal they would like to make please forward to the Secretary by the end of October. The nomination sheet is on the Club noticeboard and there are some vacancies so please consider nominating.