The Club are holding a Race Night, including food, on Saturday 29th March – doors open at 7.00 p.m. First Race will start at 7.30p.m. Experience Pig, Afghan Hound and Chariot racing on the big screen first hand! The cost of entry is £10.00, inclusive of supper. If you wish to attend please put your …
The final of the Triples League Cup is due to take place on Monday 17th February at 6.30p.m. Spectators are most welcome and after the game there will be a light supper.
The first indoor final of the season will be the Club Doubles that will take place on Thursday 13th February at 6.30p.m. Please come along to support the players.
On Saturday 22nd February we will be holding another of our popular bingo evenings. The cost will be £10 to include tickets and a buffet supper. Please write your name on the list on the noticeboard if you want to come As ever we would welcome any prizes that you are able to donate. Just …
Read More “Return of the Bingo !”
Saturday 25th January – Start at 6:30pm for 7:00pm including quizing with Patrick at a cost of £5.00 per head. Please add your name to the notice on the notice board at the club if you wish to attend.
On Saturday 21st December we will be holding our annual Christmas Bingo evening. The cost will be £10 to include tickets and a buffet supper. Please write your name on the list on the noticeboard if you want to come As ever we would welcome any prizes that you are able to donate. Just put …
Read More “More things going on !”
The Club are holding a Race Night, including a Fish and Chip Supper on Saturday 2nd November doors open at 6.30p.m. The Fish and Chip supper will be served at 7.00p.m. and First Race will start at 8.00p.m. The cost of entry is £12.50, inclusive of supper. If you wish to attend please put your …
Read More “Race Night”
This Sunday 7th July saw the Annual Littleton Bowls Gala taking place. Twenty teams took part with the eventual winners being Pershore who beat Welford in the final The 3rd / 4th place playoff winners were the Littleton (Hemmings) team with Evesham coming in 4th place.
After a successful opening of the green the previous sunday, Captains Day saw forty members take part in a fun rinks competition. The eventual winners were Paul Dunkley, Dave Homans, Vernon Johns and Pat Elliott. There then followed a superb afternoon tea before the presentation took place of the 2023/24 indoor competitions.
Thursday 11th April will see the conclusion of the indoor competitions for season 23/24. Both the triples and singles finals will commence at 6.30p.m. Come along and give your support.