Triples League Cup
The final of the Triples League Cup is due to take place on Monday 17th February at 6.30p.m. Spectators are most welcome and after the game there will be a light supper.
Welcome to Littleton Bowling Club
Long Hyde Road, South Littleton, Nr Evesham, Worcs, WR11 8TH. Tel 01386 830198
The final of the Triples League Cup is due to take place on Monday 17th February at 6.30p.m. Spectators are most welcome and after the game there will be a light supper.
The first indoor final of the season will be the Club Doubles that will take place on Thursday 13th February at 6.30p.m. Please come along to support the players.
The Club are holding a Race Night, including a Fish and Chip Supper on Saturday 2nd November doors open at 6.30p.m. The Fish and Chip supper will be served at 7.00p.m. and First Race will start at 8.00p.m. The cost of entry is £12.50, inclusive of supper. If you wish to attend please put your …