We’re Back !

Our previous website provider has ceased trading and as a result our website was unavailable for a while. The site has been moved to a new provider and has a temporary address at the moment whilst the old address is moved over.

Memorial Day Results

28 players plus guests attended for the Annual Memorial Day. After a minute silence in memory of past members a competition took place over 18 ends with teams changing after 6 ends. The overall winner was Linda Ogg +27, second was Alan Cleaver +24 and Norman Appleby third with +21. Afterwards the members enjoyed a …

“Killer” Wednesday Returns!

Again this Wednesday morning 28th August playing members are invited to take part in a morning fun game. Last weeks game was thoroughly enjoyed by all those who participated. Refreshments will be served at 10.00a.m. followed by the game itself.

Singles Finals

A further two Club Competition Finals for 2024 took place on Sunday 25th August. In the Mens Singles Final John Martin beat Pete Davey 21-8. In a game that was very close early on with the score 8-7 John started to pull away and eventually completed the win. The Ladies Final was between Sue Leonard …

Finals Results

Two games were played Saturday afternoon in which Steve Bourne won the Maiden Singles 21-18 against Trevor Flowerdew and Paul Dunkley, Rob Heming won the doubles 21-15 against Alan Beale and Grahame Jones.

Memorial Day

The Memorial Day game will take place on Monday 26th August at 2.00p.m. This is an annual event open to all Club Members. Cost £5 per player (to include food), £1.50 for guests. Please put your name down on the list at the Club. There will also be the presentation of the awards for the …

“Killer” Wednesday!

With the Wednesday Morning League now complete, this Wednesday 21st August 2024, there is the opportunity for everyone who turns up by 10.00a.m. to have tea or coffee and a bacon roll before playing a game of “Killer” All will be explained on the day, dress code greys and four bowls will be required. Normal …

Federation Day Results

There was a tight finish to the afternoons bowling with the eventual winners being Margaret Dunkley and Andrew Auger with +15. Only two shots behind were Bob Davies and Peter Chamberlain on +13 closely followed by Paul Dunkley and Alison Williams on +12. The afternoon activities were followed by an excellent BBQ served up by …