Indoor Pairs 2024/25

All games are to be played in Rink 2
The game is 21 up, or a maximum of 2Hrs 15 mins
The player on top is the challenger and needs to arrange a marker


1. The Match is a 21 up or 2.15 min last end to start at 2.10 min competition, using 4 woods.

2. All fees £5.00 must be paid before the match commences

3    Any person not turning up will be eliminated

4   Final not timed

5    Name on top to arrange an umpire ( Final an umpire will be provided )

6   In the fnal only players can nominate to kill the end.

Please note If both players are not involved in the pairs competition on the Thursday before the date they are down to play then the game can be played on Thursday night at the same time as the pairs. This would help with locking up and also save on electricity,

Played on Fridays in Rink 2 Start Time 6.30

21st Nov
Dave Homans19th Dec
Dave Sadler
Pat Morcombe
Brian Ford

Alan Cleaver
Pat MorcombePeter Chamberlain
Brian Ford30th Jan
Pat Morcombe
Brian Ford
Mark Embra
Barrie Marcroft
28th Nov
Linda Ogg9th Jan13th Feb
Brenda KendryMark Embra
Barrie Marcroft
Mark Embra
Barrie MarcroftPatrick McGiven
Maurice Such
5th Dec
Rob Johnson16th Jan
Martin BromageRob Johnson
Martin Bromage
V   VS28th Feb
Dave Scott
Bob DaviesGrahame Jones
Pam Brunt
6th Feb
12th Dec
John Martin
Paul Dunckley
23rd Jan
John Martin 
Paul Dunckley
Trevor FlowerdewJan Bialosiewicz
Felicity SmithVernon Johns